We are proud to present our new website, witnessing the transformation of our law firm which, in its 15th year of existence, has reached a new stage in its development.
Since our foundation in 2008, we have experienced constant growth: of four founding partners, our team now brings together more than twenty lawyers, including nine partners, and offers a complete range of services in private law and public business law. From public law to M&A, including environment, contracts, real estate, finance, private equity, social, restructuring and compliance and litigation, our solutions are calibrated to meet the concrete needs of our clients in an operational manner.
We have also consolidated our sector expertise, particularly in renewable energies, infrastructure, investment and real estate development, agri-food and distribution, waste and circular economy, as well as banking and insurance law.
A new Paris headquarters to welcome the growth of our teams
Since 2008, we have also strengthened our presence at home and abroad. At the national level, we opened an office in the Drôme in 2016, then an office in Lyon in March 2022.
Last May, we established a new headquarters in Paris to accommodate the growth of our teams. We have designed our new workspaces in line with our values, highlighting the well-being of our staff and allowing our clients to be welcomed in modern and comfortable conditions, while taking into account the specificities of our profession.
At the European and international level, we have joined the Iurope network, an alliance of full-service business law firms serving both local and international clients with interests in continental Europe, and have developed a relationship of trust with several best friends firms on other continents.
A new identity for lawyers committed by nature
In order to lay the groundwork for our future growth, we wanted to renew our identity and image, while refocusing our message and reaffirming our values.
We have worked to adapt our brand to our values, our maturity and our commitment. To do so, we have consulted our clients and team members, to make this work collaborative and faithful to who we are. For us, more than ever, collaboration is the best way forward: it is what drives us daily, what defines our law firm, and what we aim to pass on to our associates.
Our collaborative approach allows us to resolve our clients’ issues and develop tailored and operational solutions. Our approach, focused on our clients’ needs, is the subject of our Manifesto.
Our new identity, which is reflected in our new website, symbolises our transition to a new era, while continuing what characterises us: we are a firm of lawyers who are inherently committed.
In addition, we wanted to bring a new dimension to our commitment by establishing an annual sponsorship with an emerging artist, whose work invites us to reflect on the complex relationship between man and nature.
Kalliopé sponsors emerging and committed artists
Each year, we will shine the spotlight on a new artist by offering our new Paris headquarters as a place of exhibition and by broadcasting, through our institutional communication, works by the winner. The sponsorship will end with the auction of the works exhibited for the benefit of charities.
Through this sponsorship, we pledge to contribute to the collective reflection on our relationship with nature and to awaken the sensitivity and emotion of each individual in the face of committed works of art, while reaffirming our strong identity around the environmental issues that our clients, and our society as a whole, face.
The 2022-2023 edition of the sponsorship programme opens with Vivien Ayroles who, in his series “Hort de Dieu”, puts the spotlight on the meteorological observatory of Mont-Aigoual, located in the Cévennes at an altitude of almost 1,600 m. The last mountain weather station in France offers a unique landscape evoking to the artist “the intimate struggle between spirituality and rationality” and symbolises, in his view, “a thought that is all the more political at a time when climate change is having its first effects on Western lifestyles”.
We invite you to discover a selection of the series proposed by Vivien Ayroles by browsing our new website.
Very good visit!
Learn more about our sponsorship : Sponsorship
Find out more about Vivien Ayroles : www.vivienayroles.fr