Jocelyn Duval
Jocelyn is one of the founding partners of Kalliopé. He manages the Public services and public stakeholders and Energy and infrastructure teams, and co-manages the Environment and industry, and Real Estate – Construction – Urban Planning teams. He is also part of the Compliance – CSR team.
With more than 20 years experience in public business law, urban planning and environmental law, he offers a global vision, a transversal expertise and a pragmatic approach to industry and public players.
He advises and represents both private companies and public entities in the context of public contracts (public procurement, PPP, etc.), as well as in relation to the environmental and urban planning issues they face in the development and implementation of their projects.
Jocelyn masters the regulatory and contractual aspects of development or financing operations, in particular in the renewable energy, transport, infrastructure and health sectors.
Environment and industry
Energy and infrastructure
Public services and public stakeholders
Real Estate – Construction – Urban planning
Compliance – CSR
Legal experience
- audit and management of industrial projects
- environmental authorisation and assessment
- waste, recovery and related responsibilities
- IOTA and wetlands areas
- protected species and ecological compensation
- crisis management (pollution, destruction, etc.)
- litigation and legal expertise
- development advice and auditing of renewable energy projects
- open desk and call for tenders, Corporate PPA
- connection, access to networks, operating authorisation
- EPC and O&M contracts, partnerships with public entities
- prevention of conflicts of interest and territorial offers
- Administrative and judicial litigation (CorDIS)
Public services and public players
- Public service management methods
- Responsibility of the public authority
- State aid and economic interventionism
- Administrative police
- Promotion of the public and private sector
- Public procurement and implementation of complex arrangements (awarding, negotiation, drafting)
- regulatory obligations for carrying out certain activities
- general administrative and contractual disputes
Urban planning
- planning documents
- planning permissions
- changes of use
- pre-emptive rights
- development operations
- land division
- expropriation
- administrative and judicial disputes
Sector experience
- Renewable energies
- Hydrogen
- Waste and circular economy
- Logistics
- Building
- Transport
- Chemicals and metallurgy
- Real estate development
- Public works
- Real estate investment
Membership bar
Professional background
- Since 2008 Partner, founder of Kalliopé, Paris and Valence
- 2005-2007 Lawyer, Public Law – Public-Private Partnerships, Linklaters, Paris
- 2002-2005 Lawyer, Real Estate – Public, Lefèvre Pelletier & Associés, Paris
- 2000-2002 Lawyer, Spatial Planning, Castelnau office, Paris
Academic background
- 2002 CAPA
- 2000-2001 Paris II Panthéon – Assas University, Specialised graduate degree (DESS) in Real Estate and Construction Law
- 1999-2000 Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne University, Specialised graduate degree (DESS) in Administrative Law Litigation
Individual distinctions
- Jocelyn Duval features in the Chambers France 2025 rankings for his Projects & Energy: Regulatory practice (Band 2).
- Jocelyn Duval ranked in The Best Lawyers in France™ since 2020 in Energy Law, Environmental law, Public Law and Regulatory Practice.
- Jocelyn Duval is listed as an expert in renewable energies in France in the 2024 edition of The Legal 500’s Green Guide.
- Jocelyn Duval features in The Legal 500 EMEA 2024 rankings in Environment.
Jocelyn Duval joins the rankings due to his experience handling transactions in the renewable energy sector and subsequent regulatory disputes.
Chambers France - Projects & Energy: Regulatory - 2025
Jocelyn Duval has extensive experience within the renewable energy sector. He has authored texts on solar energy and regularly organises so-called climate frescoes with his teams, workshops aimed at gaining a better understanding of the complexities of climate change and the nuances of the IPCC report.
Jocelyn Duval’s technicality and responsiveness stand out.
Legal 500 - EMEA - Environment – 2021-2022
Jocelyn Duval provides us with a valuable service, with great responsiveness, whether it is providing practical advice or a deep and comprehensive analysis.
Legal 500 - EMEA - Environment - 2021-2022
- Member of the Drôme Ardèche Enterprise Network
- Member of Rhône Vallée Angels
Jocelyn shares his entrepreneurial spirit with young people. He regularly gives talks in secondary schools as part of the 100,000 Entrepreneurs association. He has also created a venue where he invites professionals to share their experience and their vision of their profession with young people who are looking for professional guidance.
- Advising renewable energy producers in litigation proceedings against authorisations or refusals of authorisations for their projects.
- Advising an airport operator in connection with the procurement procedure relating to the renewal of an airport concession located in mainland France.
- Advising an airport operator in the context of pre-contractual summary proceedings initiated by a competitor excluded from a procedure for renewing an airport concession.
- Advising a developer of renewable energy projects on the risks associated with the implementation of different support tools for territories and local authorities.
- Advising a local authority in the context of court-appointed expert proceedings relating to the conditions for carrying out works on a sports and Olympic site.
- Advising a consortium to analyse the legal feasibility of an innovative urban logistics project and to compare the different possible legal arrangements.
- Advising an operator of an industrial site on the risks resulting from the discovery, on the site, of illegally buried waste.
- Advising a property developer to challenge the legality of a refusal of a building permit relating to a residential building located in Ile-de-France.
- Advising a property operator in the context of appeals on the merits and in summary proceedings brought by neighbours against building permits and amended permits authorising the renovation of an office building located in Paris.
- Advising renewable energy producers on the audit of wind and photovoltaic projects prior to their acquisition or financing.
Training provided
- Conducting training for developer’s junior project managers to raise their awareness of regulatory issues in the development of wind and solar projects (2022).
- Conducting training for foreign operators on the legal stages of developing a wind and solar project (2020).
- Training at the ELEGIA training centre on “Environmental assessments: measuring the environmental impacts of your projects” (2018-2021).
- Design and delivery of an ad hoc training course for a leading company in the construction sector on the following topics: “Prevention and management of environmental risk when purchasing a site” and “Urban and environmental authorisations and procedures applicable to real estate works” (2017-2020).
- Conducting training sessions on the reform of environmental authorisation within companies (2017-2018) and for the Sustainable Development and Environment Training Centre of the CCI IDF (since 2017).
- Carrying out and running an ad hoc training course for a leading company in the waste sector in order to raise the awareness of regional “project” teams on the articulation between urban planning documents, the procedures for changing local urban planning documents and the identification of works subject to authorisation (2017-2018).
- Intervention within the framework of a training course organised by the CFDE on the theme: “The transfer of polluted sites” (2 courses per year since 2008).
Participation in events (as a speaker)
Academic/press publications
- Jocelyn Duval, Chloé Dahéron and Noémie Lenormand, “Le Préfet qui ne dit mot sur la demande de modification d’un élevage ICPE… ne consent pas” (“The Prefect who says nothing about the request to modify an ICPE farm … does not consent”), Revue Lexbase Public, October 2021.
- Jocelyn Duval, Chloé Dahéron and Noémie Lenormand, “Vers un renforcement de la protection des espèces par la CJUE” (“Towards a strengthening of species protection by the CJEU”), Revue LexisNexis – Énergie – Environnement – Infrastructures, May 2021.
- Jocelyn Duval, Chloé Dahéron and Noémie Lenormand, “Energy Law and Regulations in France”, Global Legal Insights to Energy 2019, 2020 and 2021.
- Jocelyn Duval and Noémie Lenormand, Booklet of the encyclopedia JurisClasseur on “Legal aspects of the development of photovoltaic installation projects”.
- Interview with Jocelyn Duval, 3 questions sur l’énergie (“3 questions on energy”), L’énergie en question, June 2018.
- Jocelyn Duval, “Les capacités financières et techniques d’un exploitant ICPE en débat” (The financial and technical capacities of an ICPE operator under debate), Environnement & Technique n°358, 2016.
- Interview with Jocelyn Duval, “Faut-il supprimer les PPP de grand-père” (Should old PPP be abolished?), PPP Mag, February-April 2014 p. 28.
- Interview with Jocelyn Duval, “The Vent de Colère! Case by the CJEU of 19 December 2013”, Lexbase Hebdo public edition no. 314 of 9 January 2014.
- Interview with Jocelyn Duval, “Projet de réforme du principe de précaution” (Draft reform of the precautionary principle), Novethic Info, March 2012.